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a woman sits on a chair in all black and seems to be reading out from her phone. behind her is the palestine flag and a ceiling lamp.

hi, I'm phee!

I'm a twenty-four-year-old poet & multi-disciplinary artist from New Delhi.​ I have worked across mediums such as poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography, traditional painting, digital visual art, interactive digital fiction, non-AI generative art, clay crafting, and filmmaking. My work has been published in Sage Cigarettes, Limelight Review, Surging Tide, Verum Literary Press, Celestite Poetry, and multiple other places.


So far, my poetry has been nominated for the Best of the Net 2024 anthology, was a finalist for the Best Small Fictions 2023 selection, and has been appreciated by readers and critics alike. You can find a curated selection of my published work here, and a list of my miscellaneous projects here. My debut film, darling, mister graphophone, is an experimental short aiming to be a testament to the everlasting nature of human nature and art through vintage audio recordings & home-films. It was selected for screening at International Bornova Short Film Days, 2024. You can watch it here, and review it on letterboxd or IMDb here.


I like documenting life, through a myriad of multi-disciplinary projects. These projects and publications that you will find here exist because I find joy in them, and because I believe that art holds immense power over shaping our lives. Once I dabbled in hotel management and teaching elementary schoolkids. Now my life revolves around creativity, craft, and design. I run a blog called a collection of quaint intensities, and a newsletter called phee speaks. If you'd like to learn more about me and my creative journey, you can read some of the interviews I've done here.


When I'm not immersed in words, gouache, or air-dry clay, I indulge in as much South Korean culture & media as I can—including, but not limited to—translated books, dramas & reality shows, indie & pop music, and films. I'm always willing to talk about these.


I like making new friends. You can reach out to me anywhere!

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© 2022—2024 Phoenix Tesni

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